Shop Safety Guidelines
Wearing Eye Protection
Safety Glasses are required inside of the shop area all of the time. They are not required in the office areas.
1. Do not perform any face welding, cutting, heating, or grinding operations without appropriate eye protection.
Hearing Protection
Wear hearing protection when you are:
1. Working in the shop, operating or working close to equipment, machinery or power tools
2. Wear ear protection when you are welding, cutting, gas cutting, or exposed to flying
sparks from these operations. Sparks from welding or cutting can burn your inner ear
Footwear Steel toe boots are not required but are recommended.
No open toe shoes or sandals are to be worn inside of the shop area.
Keep footwear completely laced, buckled, zipped, or otherwise fastened if it is equipped with such fasteners.
Wearing Proper Clothing
1. Wear waist length shirts with sleeves. You may wear short sleeved shirts or t-shirts if your work does not require full arm protection.
2. Wear pants that cover your legs.
3. Avoid wearing loose clothing or dangling accessories or jewelry. No rings.
If you do wear such clothing or accessories, secure them by tying or covering them so that they will not become caught in a moving part or come in contact with energized equipment.
Whenever possible, wear suitable gloves to protect your hands and arms.
Wearing Protective Gloves and Clothing
Wear protective gloves and clothing when you are:
Handling or working on a wet cell battery.
* Handling, pouring, or using acids, toxic substances or solvents.
* Handling objects with sharp edges
Keeping Areas Clean
Follow these precautions to keep areas clean:
1. Practice good housekeeping. Keep everything for which you are responsible of orderly and clean.
2. Promptly dispose of all garbage in a trash bin, trash can or other designated trash receptacle.
3. If any material is saturated with flammable liquid, dispose of it in a fully enclosed metal receptacle.
Do not place saturated material near a source of heat or in an area where fumes may accumulate.
Avoiding Throwing Objects
Do not throw objects inside of the shop or office.
Keeping Clear of Suspended Loads
Keep clear of suspended loads. Stand clear while tension is
applied (by either a pull or a lift) to a cable, chain, or other tackle.
Working With Tools
1. Do not modify tools.
2. Before you use any tool, examine it for defects.
3. Brace yourself when using any tool or tackle, as follows:
a. Place your feet firmly.
b. Maintain a braced position. Do not overreach.
c. Keep your hands and body clear of pinch points.
Using Devices Follow these precautions when using sliding, hinged, safety, or control devices:
1. Use handles and hinged devices safely, as follows:
a. Use handles or knobs if they are provided.
b. Properly secure the device before placing any part of your body in the opening.
c. Only open one filing or tool cabinet drawer at a time.
d. When you are finished using the device, close it immediately.
2. Do not interfere with the operation of a safety
device, such as an electrical fuse or pressure valve.
3. Before you operate a control lever, push button, switches, or other control device, make sure that all
persons who might be affected by the action of the devices are clear of the area of operation. If
someone is in the area of operation please ask them to move a safe distance from the operation.
You are prohibited from being intoxicated while volunteering or visiting Operation Charlie Bravo.
Do not possess or use firearms or other weapons while inside the shop area.
Walking Through Halls, Stairways, and Passageways
1. Keep to the right
2. Use a handrail if one is provided.
3. Use each step of a stairway.
4. Give way to a person with a load.
5. When you approach a corner, look around the corner before you proceed.
6. When you approach a doorway, look into doorways before you proceed through.
Pets and Service Dogs
Pets and Service dogs are not allowed in the shop area. While everyone at Operation Charlie Bravo tries to maintain a clean shop atmosphere there will always be the risk of injury to a pet. Pet paws are sensitive and can easily obtain injury from metal shavings and other materials on the flooring. They do not know when to look away while welding and can also pose as a tripping hazard to others in the shop. Due to insurance regulations we cannot allow the owner of said pet to think he/she will be ok in a shop environment.
This copy will be kept for our records.
FED EIN: 47-5307287
DLN: 17053154337036
© Copyright 2015-2025
Operation Charlie Bravo & Veteran Impact Services
Formerly known as Operation Combat Bikesaver, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Veteran Impact Services, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit organization.
Jason Zaideman / GearHead Productions
A Division of Charlie Bravo.
And that's only being open 2 evenings and 1 day a week... Imagine if we were 24/7.
Approved Veterans Programs and Services through the IDVA.