O p e r a t i o n   CHARLIE  BRAVO

PROVIDE A DD-214 PROOF OF MILITARY SERVICE then you will be considered for admittance into the program.


​Here's some of the projects we've completed here... all of these motorcycles were free to the veteran... they just had to build them with their own two hands and plenty of help from their fellow veterans.

*MUST BE A VETERAN LIVING IN THE vicinity  of one our locations and ABLE TO MAKE IT TO sunday SHOP DAYS TO  be eligable to build a motorcycle. 


* You do not have to build a motorcycle to come here. You may forge knives or complete other projects of your choice with the materials we have on hand free of charge.

*No one will build something for you but you will have plenty of help to complete projects. 

*Due to limited space and the ability to only build 3 motorcycles at a time eligibility to build is based on attendance and voting by fellow veterans. 

*If you put in your time hanging out with other veterans helping them with their builds 16 hours or more a month you are up for voting once a spot opens up and will receive a $2000 budget to complete your build.  

*When it comes time to vote please be at every 0900 formation meeting every Sunday to be eligible.

*Questions or concerns please show up on a Sunday morning at the 0900 formation and let us know. 

Hot Rod Therapy. 

Building motorcycles and other kool stuff.

​Just show up at one of our locations on a Sunday to find out how it works.